Take care of you and your family.
Have a nice weekend.
Mycoplasma pneumoniaecauses community-acquired respiratory tract infections, particularly in school-aged children and young adults. These infections occur both endemically and epidemically worldwide. Mycoplasma pneumoniae lacks cell wall and is subsequently resistant to beta-lactams and to all antimicrobials targeting the cell wall. This mycoplasma is intrinsically susceptible tomacrolidesand related antibiotics, totetracyclinesand tofluoroquinolones. Macrolides and related antibiotics are the first-line treatment of mycoplasma pneumoniae respiratory tract infections mainly because of their lowminimum inhibitory concentrations(MIC) against the bacteria, their low toxicity, and the absence of contraindication in young children.
The newer macrolides are now the preferred agents with a 7-to-14-day course of oralclarithromycinor a 5-day course of oralazithromycinfor treatment ofcommunity-acquired pneumoniadue to mycoplasma pneumoniae, according to the different guidelines worldwide.
Before 2000, M. pneumoniae infections were easily treated using macrolides because only rare cases of resistance to macrolides had been reported inclinical isolates. Since 2000, macrolide resistance rates have been rising up to 90–100% in Asia, hindering the efficacy of common antibiotic regimens. The high macrolide resistance rates are certainly associated withantibiotic selective pressurebecause ofextensive macrolide use.
Because this resistance has clinical outcomes such as longer duration offever, cough and hospital stay,alternative antibiotic treatment can be required, including tetracyclines such asdoxycyclineandminocyclineor fluoroquinolones, primarilylevofloxacin, during 7–14 days, even though fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines are contraindicated in all children and in children < 8 year-old, respectively.